Milo Solutions
Byos System – Desktop and Web Software for Medtech baner

Byos System – Desktop and Web Software for Medtech


From initial C++ and Qt support up to advanced data visualization, and quality testing – this project encompasses a wide spectrum of IT services we often provide for our clients. Collaboration with ProteinMetrics required us to deliver both desktop & web systems, followed by partial UX/UI enhancements and data processing optimization. Over the past few years, we have become a true core of the entire product development. Interested in details? Here is how this project went >

In this article:

Introduction & Client's Background

Protein Metrics is a California-based company that focuses on biotherapeutic analysis solutions, providing crucial insights and tools to the MedTech industry.

Their products allow researchers to enhance spectrometry-related research via a platform consisting of 3 following products:

  1. Byos desktop software – for comprehensive protein characterization and quantification (created by our team),
  2. Byonic MS/MS Search Engine – a robust and highly automated software for comprehensive peptide and protein identification,
  3. Byosphere Enterprise Platform – a system combining biotherapeutic mass spec data, analysis, and reporting in one environment.

Our collaboration with Protein Metrics began almost 8 years ago when they reached out to us for support in C++ and Qt development of their new, at that time, product:

the Byos desktop software.

After blitz-like negotiations, which took only 2 days, we signed the deal and started our preparations for the project.

Research & Collaboration

Since we joined ProjectMetrics amid the creation of their product – there was no need to start from scratch and conduct in-depth research on the topic.

Initially, we delegated only one developer specializing in C++ and Qt development to support the entire process – as pre-agreed.

However, as the development of Byos progressed, it quickly became clear that it was merely a “drop in the bucket”.

Protein Metric’s project required at that time significant datasets handling improvement – preferably shown in a sleek and functional dashboard.

Additionally, Byos lacked user-friendly design in many places.

We quickly concluded that healthcare professionals may not always have specialized training in spectroscopy or data science. That is why we had to focus on delivering intuitive interfaces oriented on clear and actionable insights.

Additionally, we conducted a comprehensive review of existing technologies and solutions to identify gaps and opportunities for innovation.

Our research involved various data visualization techniques and tools to determine the most effective methods for representing complex spectroscopic data in a clear and clinically relevant manner.

At this point it is worth adding that we maintained a close cooperation with ProteinMetrics healthcare specialists, clinical researchers, and industry stakeholders, throughout the entire phase to make sure that we create a true cutting-edge piece of technology.

Having all the necessary data analyzed and sorted, we began writing the code.

Main ProteinMetrics requirements:

  • Robust software development in C++ and Qt,
  • Advanced data visualization and optimization,
  • A dedicated desktop and web-based analytical tools.

Design & Development

Before diving into the actual programming, we established a core development team dedicated entirely to the Byos project.

This move, pre-approved by ProteinMetrics, allowed us to take a much more flexible approach during the entire development phase.

The primary focus of our work was placed on developing a robust desktop system, however, as the project evolved, we extended our efforts to include its web version.

Amid the Byos development, our team ensured:

  • automated workflows,
  • multiple samples queuing,
  • consistent processing in a hands-free manner,
  • ready-to-deliver reports based on user-defined templates.

One of the Byos essential features we worked on is the intact mass analysis workflow.

Byos intact mass analysis feature. Source:
Byos intact mass analysis feature. Source:

This workflow provided automatic tandem mass spectral (MS/MS) annotation, overlapping signals separation into individual components (level deconvolution), and automatic compounds identification.

For this feature specifically, we delivered an intuitive instrument agnostic protein characterization software that supports direct mass spec data comparing and processing from different spectrometers.

At this point it is worth mentioning that we also made this software vendor neutral via templated configurable workflows. Thanks to this move, data is being analyzed on one platform – ensuring reproducibility of analysis and consistent cross-experiment comparison.


Thanks to our experience with robust datasets optimization, we managed to exponentially decrease the time required for data analysis over traditional bottom-up approaches.

Additionally, our team implemented metadata and deep query processing based on the most up-to-date information for research quality. To top that off, we also implemented easy formatted reports creation and export.

To put it simply:

We transformed views and data into a dynamic interrogable landscape giving a broader view of features in their relevant context.

Byos chromatogram panel. Source:
Byos chromatogram panel. Source:

When it comes to UX/UI design, one of our main tasks required us to deliver a sleek chromatogram analysis panel.

This feature allowed users to easily streamline conducted comparison with tools like:

  • chromatogram alignment,
  • tracking and quantification of individual peaks,
  • automated report generation.

We also made sure, that Byos supported history browsing to allow easy finding past experiments, reuse knowledge and unearth fresh insights.

During the design optimization, our team focused here particularly on intuitive data visualization – ensuring the interface was both functional and visually appealing.


One of ProteinMetrics’ requirements for the Byos software capabilities was to be as future proofed as possible.

That is why we designed the system to rely mostly on researcher priorities with easy upgrade options to Byosphere – for enterprise level analysis, reporting and collaboration.

By the end of Byos software development, our developers also conducted thorough quality and performance tests, both manual and automated, to ensure the software met the highest industry standards.

ProteinMetrics features:

  • Desktop system for protein analysis,
  • Web-based analytical tools,
  • Advanced data visualization (graphs and charts),
  • Integration with scientific and lab-specific instruments,
  • Advanced data processing and analysis algorithms.

Results & Impact

We delivered Byos software as a market-ready solution for scientists and researchers that significantly supports lab-testing and accelerates biotherapeutic reporting.

Thanks to our software, researchers can also easily manage, interrogate, or share files and reports generated from any analytical lab. With its signature workflows that fully automate the mass spec analysis pipeline and quick audit trails, scientists can easily monitor their system suitability and reduce potential erroneous results.

No wonder that today, ProteinMetrics has been entrusted by over 200 biopharmaceutical companies and 300 academic institutions across the globe, including such major brands as: AstraZeneca, gsk or Stanford University.

At this point it is worth adding that we provide ongoing support for this project.


This portfolio entry showcases our ability to provide long-term and specialized support for complex scientific software, as well as our drive for establishing long-lasting business partnerships.

From desktop applications to web systems, our work with Protein Metrics demonstrates our expertise in creating sophisticated analytical tools that contribute to cutting-edge medical technology development.

With tens, if not hundreds, of patented solutions globally, Protein Metrics stands today as one of our biggest business partners.

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